About Us


My name is Khadija Dooley I am married with 6 children, I was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas raised half my life in Dallas TX. I'm in the navy reserves and I was a nurse before pursuing my business full time. I decided to start my business during a pandemic in 2020 after having a spa party for my daughter making body scrubs and face masks it was a hit. So I decided to make some scrub for my coworkers for mother's day and one of my coworkers stated after using it that I should sale them! I said to her "you really think it's that good and that people will buy it?" She said "yes I do!" So from there I hit the ground running from researching to studying on ways to make my products more organic and natural. I joined our local farmers market in Leavenworth and started selling my products there. Fast forward to now, I am finally in a store with much more to offer! Most of my products are handmade, a lot of my products are inspirational and uplifting.

I suffer from depression it started with postpartum and has not went away. So I like to give hugs and love on everyone because you never know what the next person is dealing with! My goal is to uplift, push, motivate, inspire, love, spread the word, and EMPOWER every single woman/person I encounter! With God on my side I will do just that! You are not alone and we are in this TOGETHER no matter what you are going through there is a rainbow at the end of every storm. I am a living walking testimony of just that.

She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future. Proverbs 31:25